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Type of Wood > Beech
Beech Hardwood Flooring
The American beech tree grows in the southern and eastern parts of the United States, but can also be found in Europe and parts of Asia. Beech trees have smooth pale grey to reddish-brown bark that takes stain colors evenly. Wood from the beech tree is strong, heavy, medium-to-hard and is resistant to shocks and splintering. Beech has a fine, tight grain and large medullary rays that extend vertically through the tree, perpendicular to its growth rings. Please see below for a list of our beautiful beech products. Please see below for a list of our beautiful beech products.
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Swallowcliff | Beech
ECSF360 | Golden
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Ballydoyle | Beech
ECBY391 | Golden
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Danescroft | Beech
ECDN414 | Chestnut
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